Blog tagged as Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

9 Data-Driven Growth Strategies Small Businesses Can Implement Today
Discover how small businesses can use data-driven growth strategies such as advanced analytics, multi-touch attribution, and targeted digital advertising techniques to achieve business success.
2024.07.01 09:49 AM - Comment(s)
Mastering Profit in Business by Optimizing CAC, LTV, CCR, and CTS
Boost your business profits by mastering key metrics: CAC, LTV, CCR & CTS. Learn proven strategies to optimize customer acquisition cost, lifetime value, conversion rates & click-through rates.
2024.05.13 12:23 PM - Comment(s)
How to Reduce Cost to Serve (CTS)
Learn proven strategies to reduce cost to serve (CTS) and boost profitability. Discover how to calculate CTS, why reducing it matters, and get actionable strategies to achieve your CTS goals.
2024.05.06 12:20 PM - Comment(s)
How to Reduce Customer Churn Rate (CCR)
Want to reduce customer churn and increase retention rates? Get a complete guide to churn rate - definition, calculation, importance, benchmarks, and strategies to retain more customers.
2024.04.29 03:02 PM - Comment(s)
How to Reduce Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Learn proven strategies to reduce customer acquisition costs (CAC) from a consulting company with 15+ years of experience helping companies improve their CAC.
2024.04.22 04:12 PM - Comment(s)
How to Improve Customer Lifetime Value (CLV or LTV)
Boost your business profitability by improving customer lifetime value (LTV). Learn proven strategies to increase purchase frequency, optimize pricing, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.
2024.04.15 09:46 AM - Comment(s)